The UFR SJP of Gaston Berger University, in partnership with the Center for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), is organizing a Julius Oséga Memorial Conference on the theme "The Challenges of Democratization and Human Rights Protection in Africa" with the following participants:
Keynote Speaker :
Mr. Alioune TINE (Afrikajom Center)
Panelists :
Prof. Samson Igor Bidossessi GUEDEGBE, holder of the UNESCO DPHD Chair, University of Abomey Calavi (Benin)
Prof. Mame-Penda BA, Director of LASPAD, editor-in-chief of Global Africa, Gaston Berger University
Prof. Mbissane NGOM, Director of LER-DHDAJE, Gaston Berger University