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Afriques, mondes et savoirs de demain

Tomorrow’s Africas, Worlds and Knowledge

Afrika, malimwengu na maarifa ya kesho

أفريقيا، عوالم ومعرفة الغد

Published on:

March 9, 2022

All our issues




Freedom. Truth. Courage! A pan-African journal on global issues, right here, right now

Global Africa


The Transformation of Africa’s Knowledge: Thinking African futures in response to global challenges

Mame-Penda Ba and Philippe Cury

Critical Issues

Global Africa: A Critical Genealogy of a Militant Concept

Giulia Bonacci


Africa in the Colonial Horizon of Western Modernity (1652–2000)

Walter D. Mignolo

Critical Issues

Re-building Knowledge in African Countries

Felwine Sarr

Critical Issues

Centering Global Humanitarism in Africa

Cecelia Lynch

Critical Issues

“Relying on One’s Own Strengths”: Promoting Contextual Experts in Public Policy in Africa Faced with Aid Dependency

Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan


Berber Women’s Art: A Link Between North Africa and the Continent

Fatima Sadiqi

Critical Issues

Decolonising the Politics of Climate Disasters in the Senegal Estuary: Adaptive practices between the “vanishing past” and the “near future”

Cheikh Abdoul Ahad Mbacké Ba and Yvan Renou

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