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Charly Tsala Ondobo
Sciences politiques
Université de Ngaoundéré

Charly Tsala Ondobo was born in Yaoundé on June 6, 1993, and is a researcher at the “Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Économie du Développement” (LIRED) directed by Profesor Henri Ngoa Tabi. He is also a researcher in economics at the University of Ngaoundéré, and works intermittently as a consultant for the “Réseau des Institutions Africaines de Financement des Collectivités Locales” (RIAFCO). As a researcher, he is the author of several scientific articles published in renowned journals such as African Economic Review, Economic bulletin, Bulletin of Economic Research, Journal of Knowledge Economic, Revue de Stabilité Financière d'Afrique Centrale
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